UC Staff Advisors to the Regents Strategic Plan Program Implementation

Project Completed

Problem Statement

  • Need to improve the ability of UC Staff Advisors to the Regents to fulfill their mission and achieve their full potential.
  • Need to ensure that UC Staff Advisors to the Regents are included in meaningful deliberations with UC Regents and Office of the President (OP) leadership, and have opportunities to exchange institutional knowledge, practical experience, and expertise in addressing current and emerging UC issues.

Business Case

Implementation of a strategic plan for UC Staff Advisors to the Regents will:

  • Establish continuity for priorities and activities that span across the terms of multiple Staff Advisors so that advancements are sustained and Staff Advisors build upon progress already achieved.
  • Provide clarity to generate awareness, alignment, and engagement so that current and future UC Staff Advisors to the Regents, Regents, and OP leadership clearly understand UC Staff Advisors to the Regents' current priorities and long-term vision and know their role in supporting these priorities and vision.
  • Ensure accountability in the execution of strategic activities through a defined plan with timelines, responsible owners, and success metrics identified.

The need for UC Staff Advisors to the Regents to strengthen their foundation through a strategic plan is timely, due to the change in OP leadership and the changing climate of post-secondary education. The UC Staff Advisors to the Regents must be responsive and ready to represent current issues and opportunities.


  • Staff Engagement
    • Evaluate and improve engagement and feedback processes with staff constituencies
  • Regental/Leadership Engagement
    • Identify and advance a platform of priorities, and present options and opportunities to help resolve UC issues
    • Create strategic alliances, foster champions, and establish processes for engaging with them to advance the platform of issues and priorities
    • Implement change management strategies for addressing challenges and risks
  • Stewardship
    • Define, communicate, and establish continuity on the role and value of UC Staff Advisors to the Regents
    • Establish processes for engaging with leadership champions/collaborators on the role and value of UC Staff Advisors to the Regents

Success Metrics

  • Meet or exceed the strategic key performance indicators established for the Staff Engagement, Regental/Leadership Engagement, and Stewardship objectives.

Project Leaders

  • Sponsor: Ann Jeffrey
  • Project Manager: Anne Ho