Project Overview
“The visual identification and equipment of public safety personnel are significant for a number of reasons. First, faculty, staff, students and visitors to UC locations must be able to easily identify safety personnel to ensure they know who to approach in the case of an emergency. In addition, the uniforms and equipment of public safety personnel can impact the extent to which individuals are and feel welcomed, respected and protected from harm in their communities.” -VUE workgroup guidelines
This project aims to implement the uniform requirements outlined in the Vehicles, Uniforms and Equipment Workgroup for all non-sworn public safety roles.
Project Details
Project Charter (Expand)
Problem Statement
The UC Community Safety Plan, among other actions, called for the formation of a systemwide workgroup that includes students, faculty and staff to recommend uniform, equipment and vehicle standards for every responder in the safety model. UC Berkeley is required to implement updates to the uniform of our safety responders as outlined by the VUE workgroup.
DIFFERENTIATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY GROUPS: Each group of public safety providers must be distinguishable from another group and easily identifiable.
COMPLEMENTARY: The VUE for all groups must be complementary and work together to maintain safety and to ensure that appropriate response models are holistic and inclusive.
CONSISTENCY: Groups with a similar function and responsibility should be consistent in VUE across the University.
EMERGING PRACTICES: When considering future changes to VUE, emerging practices from both campuses and medical centers and the wider community should be evaluated and adopted.
FEEL SAFE AND BE SAFE: The VUE for any group should balance the need for personnel safety and what is the least tactical options for completing the responsibilities assigned to them.
MINIMIZE MILITARIZED APPEARANCE: All campuses and medical centers should work to minimize the perceived appearance of militarized public safety personnel and increase the visibility of unarmed safety personnel and services.
Success Metrics
VUE recommendations implemented and documented
Project Leaders
Sponsor: Chief Yogananda Pittman, Chief of Police UCPD, Berkeley
Project Manager: Mary Michael
Team Members: Captain Reich, UCPD

Project Status
Learn more about how we define Project Health and Project Phase.